Firefly Outdoor Gear Youth Mummy Sleeping Bag Red/Orange, Youth Sleeping Bag
Firefly! Outdoor Gear Youth Mummy Sleeping Bag – Red/Orange:
•Anti-snag zipper webbing for easy use with all ages
•¾ length zipper for easy access in and out
•Great for any indoor or outdoor adventure
•Rated for warm weather camping
•Made with durable and machine washable polyester fabric which is great for all kinds of fun adventures
•Soft and breathable lining to keep your child cozy all night long
•Carry bag included for easy transportation to and from the campsite
•Great for a variety of outdoor activities such as campouts, sleepovers, or backyard playtime
•Collect the whole Firefly! Outdoor Gear youth camping set
•Dimensions: 70″ x 30”
•Model #: 30873
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